Recruitment for City committees and boards

The City has launched the recruitment for public members to serve on various committees and boards.

Should you be interested in applying, please review the information and complete the online form available on the Recruitment for committees and boards page. Alternate application formats are available upon request.

The City is recruiting for the following public member positions:

Ottawa Board of Health (1 position)
Committee of Adjustment (reserves)
Rogers Centre Ottawa – Board of Directors (1 position and reserves)
Accessibility Advisory Committee (1 position and reserves)
Community Safety and Well-being Advisory Committee (2 positions)
French Language Services Advisory Committee (2 positions and reserves)
Planning Advisory Committee (Landscape Architect position)

Applications must be submitted by Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 4:30 pm.

Thank you for your interest in serving on the City of Ottawa’s committees and boards. If, at any time you require additional information, please feel free to contact me at 613-580-2424, ext. 22953 or by e-mail at

A concurrent recruitment drive for Administrative Penalty System Hearing Officer is also ongoing. These adjudicator positions are paid, part-time appointments. Visit Become a Hearing Officer on to access the online application and more information – including submission deadlines.

This post is also available in French.


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