OC Transpo’s New Ways to Bus Travel Planner

OC Transpo’s New Ways to Bus Travel Planner is now available on octranspo.com/NewWaysToBus. As discussed at Transit Commission on June 13, this exciting new resource allows residents to create travel plans for future trips in the new network, using typical weekday and weekend schedules for new bus routes and O-Train Lines 1, 2, and 4.

Using the New Ways to Bus Travel Planner, residents can plan their trip, browse future route or O-Train line schedules, or look up the schedule of a specific stop. To switch between a typical weekday, Saturday, or Sunday schedule on the New Ways to Bus Travel Planner, simply click on the “Weekday”, “Saturday” or “Sunday” buttons at the top of the screen. To return to the Travel Planner for the current network, click “Return to current Travel Planner” in the top right (see attached screenshots).

Our full guide on how to use the current Travel Planner, which is very similar to the New Ways to Bus Travel Planner, is available here.

Additionally, you can find frequently asked questions about the new network, including how it will improve service reliability, and how we’re changing signs and maps at bus stops and stations here.

To help easily share this important information with your constituents, attached is a package of materials which includes social media posts, graphics, and links to relevant resources. Please encourage residents in your wards to visit our website regularly for the latest information. They can also reach out to NewWaysToBus@ottawa.ca with any questions they may have.


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